Intro to Mother Elisabeth

3 years ago

Intro to Mother Elisabeth

Precious family, it is my very great pleasure to introduce you to Mother Elisabeth to whom I have entrusted the Heart Dwellers mission and channel. She was raised in Southern California by a very holy and dedicated mother. And has used the graces entrusted to her with great care.

Some come into this world with a thimble of graces, others come with a glass of graces, others with a barrel. Well, she has been entrusted with so many prime graces yet are totally reliant on the Lord. Personally, I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God, knowing that I will be raptured but the mission will go on in the most capable hands I can imagine.

She has been receiving messages from the Lord since her childhood and is extremely keen on discernment. I trust her implicitly with the messages she gets from the Lord and Our Lady. Before she came here, she was a real estate agent with Caldwell Banker for 25 years and had a spotless 5-star reputation in Texas. So, she is very competent in business matters as well. Please welcome her with great love, she is worthy of every bit, and totally dedicated, heart and soul, to what the Lord has begun in Heart Dwellers.

I will continue to post messages until the Lord takes me, and I get to meet many of you, so I am not abandoning the channel, I am just making room for her to be comfortable in her new position with you. She has been a part of the Refuge now for about a year and has shown herself to be humble and obedient, completely loving, trustworthy and capable of handling whatever comes. The Lord has been preparing her to stay behind and help for several years, so she knows her destiny.

I also want to mention Jamie, who is one of our priests and hears very clearly from the Lord. We are going to be posting more and more of his messages because they are very instructional and edifying. Mother Elisha, formerly Nana, is in training now to go to Ghana and begin Heart Dwellers Ghana, City of God, a place for widows, orphans, and Franciscan missionaries to labor with God's poor. There is also a Heart Dwellers in the Caribbean starting up with Rainbow and her husband at the head. The fruit of these past seven years is literally blowing me away. I am overwhelmed at what God has done with the little that I had to give.

Please allow this good report to give you hope. I do not care how dark your past has been, how sinful you have been, or how weak you are, God can take it and do marvelous things if you only say yes. I love you all very dearly and we are going to be awfully close in Heaven, so this is not any kind of ending at all, it is only the beginning. And we will come back with Jesus to minister during the thousand-year reign of peace. God bless you my dear ones. And thank you for your prayers and support. None of this would have been possible without your faithfulness. Also please remember our web site, Heart in case we are taken off Vimeo. I do not expect that to happen but know that in the description for this video are numerous links and we are working on Rumble, Bit Chute and Telegram so that you will be able to find us there too.

The Lord bless you, my dear ones, we will meet again very soon.

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