fly agaric

3 years ago

Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom that has been known to all of us since early childhood. At the moment, more than six hundred species of these mushrooms have been discovered and cataloged.

Most of all, of course, the red fly agaric is known. This, if I may say so, is a classic version of the mushroom: a red hat up to twenty centimeters in diameter, all covered in growths of white “warts”. The leg of the fly agaric is white, at the bottom there is a tuber - Volvo. The smell from it is unpleasant for humans, but attractive to many insects, especially flies.

Our distant ancestors noticed that around the mushroom, on its hat, there are usually a lot of these dead insects, and so they decided to name this mushroom precisely. It was used and is still used in some villages to fight flies, cockroaches, bedbugs. Hats of red fly agaric are poured with milk, where sugar is added and put in a place where harmful insects need to be removed - a very effective remedy.

But there is only one edible fly agaric - this is the Caesar fly agaric. It is not for nothing that he has such a name, by the way, he was served at the table of Caesars and other rulers starting from Ancient Rome. No toxins and hallucinogens were found in it, although it is still a fly agaric. Here is such a paradox.
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