A Virginia mother's speech exposing the hypocrisy of the school board has gone viral on social media

2 years ago

Merianna Jenson accused school officials of promoting "political theater" and separating children based on their vaccination status.

"Children get sick despite wearing masks (...) So, I ask you, if masks work, then why don't they work? (...) Now I would like to highlight the facts. Not a policy defined by the White House. Not the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which, I remind you, are still a policy that changes day by day without any scientific basis."

Jenson pointed out that of the 49,000 children in the U.S. who have died since the start of the pandemic, only 331 deaths were "related to Covid-19."

"We are playing politics with children's faces, covering their noses and mouths with restrictive fabrics," she continued. "This is stupid. This is blatant political theater, and it needs to end."

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