Modern Life is the Conspiracy "Enslavement"

3 years ago

More than anything I want freedom. This is why I'm attracted to this lifestyle. It's why I'm downsizing to a van, instead of saving up for a 30 year mortgage loan so that I can stay a slave for the rest of my life. I am not supposed to be alive right now - I'm alive, and I've got things that I want to do since I've been given this second chance to live. I don't want to live the way that "they" told us to live. I'm not going to live that way anymore. That way nearly killed me, it was miserable, and it's no way to live.
And I know that everyone else lives that way - I don't care how everybody else is living. I'm inspired by the people who don't live that way - who have found a way around the system, who do not need to work in a job that they hate, who do not need to give up their time, to things that they hate. We should be enjoying our life, while we're here, we're not here for that long.

I'm mad.

We're not here for that long. When you wake up everyday doing something that you don't like for most of the day, and the only thing you have time for is to collapse at the end of the day, make some dinner, look after other people who are doing the same thing. There's no "LIVING" involved in that. We're doing this year after year, decade after decade, living a life we don't want and critizing - I hear people critizing people who don't want to work, and I'm like that's because you're completely brainwashed into this complete scam of a life!

Because this all happens because people own the land - the bankers.

It is all a fucking conspiracy, and I want out.

I don't like being scammed and I don't like being a slave, and I want as much as possible to at least live the final chapter of my life, living in truth and doing the things that I want to do - and it's not even that much, I just want to help people. It's not even like I want to be selfish for the rest of my life, I actually wanna do MORE for the rest of my life, but this job stops me from doing that!

Having to go into a job that's so far away because I can't find one close by is so ridiculous - this is a ridiculous way to live.

Rant, rant, rant.

AUGUST 1, 2015

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