Shadow Work - Changing Default Automatic Responses

3 years ago

Our default-programming - 90% of conditioned-beliefs that we run on auto-pilot whenever we're angry or hurt or anxious or living in fear. When you're conscious and aware and thinking about what you're saying and thinking about what's serving your life and what your beliefs are - that's who you are, that's who you want to be, and it serves you.

But when you're out of awareness, when someone catches you off-guard - they attack you or something like that and you're no longer in that place of awareness, you default back to your automatic programming. That's when you say the things you don't mean to say, that you can't believe you said, that's when you hear your parents come out your mouth. It's when you say something nasty or default back to all your conditioned beliefs that you had growing up. It's not you.

I want to know what is still on auto-pilot for me. What conditioned beliefs that I haven't worked on, that may still be running my life, because everytime you have a thought, all these neurons are fired, and some of them are your current beliefs, some are your auto-pilot "good habits" that you've implanted in there, and some of them are from when you were three years old, that experience you had yesterday, that fight you had ten years ago, all these different things are still in there. They're your memories, they make up part of who you are, so you have a thought, and all these little neurons are fired, and some of them are serving you, and some of them are just absolute conditioning - rubbish. Or, they served you at the time, when you were going through a certain thing, but they no longer serve you, or who you want to be. You don't want to be that person that has that automatic response.

MAY 6, 2015

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