Testimonium Iesu Christi †🕊 †

2 years ago

Video credits:
Excerpts from
motion picture; 'Paul, Apostle of Christ.'

Motion picture 'Silence.'

Music credits:
'Song of Complaint.' John Debney; motion picture, Passion of the Christ.

'A Miraculous Return.' Rupert Gregson-Williams; motion picture, Hacksaw Ridge.

'We bow down before Thy Cross.' Georgiy Smirnov; Sacred Songs of Old Russia.

'Run This.' Rob Bailey and Hustle Standard.

'Cheruvimskaja Piesn.' SS. Peter & Paul; Choir of Minsk.
Latin translation:
It firmly Believes, Professes, and Proclaims that those not Living within the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics cannot become participants in Eternal Life, but will depart “into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels” (St. Matt. 25:41), unless before the end of life the same have been Added to the Flock; and that the Unity of the Ecclesiastical Body is so strong that Only to those Remaining in it are the Sacraments of the Church of Benefit for Salvation, and do Fastings, Almsgiving, and other functions of Piety and exercises of Christian Service produce Eternal Reward, and that no one, whatever almsgiving he has practiced, even if he has shed blood for the Name of Christ, can be Saved, unless he has Remained in the Bosom and Unity of the Catholic Church.
~ Cantate Domino

And the dragon was angry against the Woman: and went to make war with the rest of Her Seed, who Keep the Commandments of God, and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ.  ~ The Apocalypse of St. John

Ave Maria, Gratia Plena,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus Fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.

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