1970 Dodge Challenger R/T 440 Six Pack

3 years ago

Here is an old video I just discovered taken back in 1996. It was a simple walk around and test drive. I purchased this car partially disassembled with the engine out and front clip off. I just restored the engine area and bolted the rest together as it was at the time. It was a numbers matching car too. The tuck and roll seats came with the car... lol. I found a mid year 427 Corvette I had to have so I ended up selling this car around 1998 to a very nice woman who bought it as a surprise for her husbands 40th birthday. I got to deliver the car to a temporary hiding place. That was really cool. She said it was his dream car. A friend said he saw the car that year at Woodburn drag strip in Oregon but that's the last I heard about the car. I wish I had it back but you all know how that goes. Sorry for the crappy video quality but back then we all mostly had to use bulky low tech Hi8mm camcorders.

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