Living Nerubian: Warcraft 3 Custom Faction Let's Play

3 years ago

The Nerubian are a insectioid/arachnoid race from the Warcraft Universe. Sadly my knowledge of the Warcraft Universe is vague as I have never played the famous World of Warcraft MMO, only Warcraft 3 which is a RTS experience. In this faction there's a Queen Unit, she lays eggs which are needed for procuring the fighting units that aren't heroes. The Treasurer Hero Unit whose for some reason is armed with a giant sword (most Treasurers aren't armed with swords that Guts from Berserk would be proud of). There's also a unit called the Undertaker which can also change to a immobile mode that summons a impaling spike. Another unit appears to be a dragonfly with a stinger, and one unit resembles a scorpion (but with 4 legs).

The mod can be found on HiveWorkshop. The author of this mod is "wa666r". Guts sword image pulled from Pinterest.

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0:00: This is the Living Nerubian Custom Faction of Warcraft 3, which is more arthropod based than the Night Elves and Orcs.

1:32: I don't get the name teasure cells, most people don't use prisons as a storage facility for treasure.

3:06: I don't get why it's called the Treasurer, most treasurers don't have a giant sword that would make Guts from Berserk blush.

3:34: This factions units are hatched from these eggs.

4:18: They look like scorpions.

4:31: The Stockroom upgrades are how you increase your population cap with this custom faction.

5:46: I don't need to know what drugs you used.

6:24: Theres a description here.

6:51: Undead Nerubian description.

9:42: The Undertaker has 2 sets of wings in different places on it's body.

9:50: i don't think dragonflies have stingers like this.

11:25 In real life Treasurers deal with a lot of money, So he get's the special item.

12:18: yes the giant beetle appears to be summoning a impaling spike.

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