How "it all matters" (within you)

2 years ago

If everything matters and it's the little thing that count, then why do we dismiss our own short-comings, ills, and pains that hurt ourselves long term? Insecurities and unresolved issues are birthed from LACK of self-love, self-reflection, and work of self.
With the mass programming going on creating greater spaces of lack, why do we continue to not look within ourselves for the answers? When do you realize that it's time to put in the work? It's usually when lose or pain occurs to ourselves.
The longer we're on the path of self-destruction, we're blind to the ability to heal ourselves and the relationships that surround us in our everyday lives.

Understand that it begins with the inner-work. Ego-trimming, self-love, and having patience with one's self. We're imperfect perfection.

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