Woman breaks down in tears. Men are not approaching her. Men have decided to go their own way.

3 years ago

Usually I roast women for their foolishness. In this case, I am not going to roast her, though I think she is taking many risks traveling alone, in a big city, like Philadelphia. In my opinion this is a case of, do not hate the player, hate the game. She was hoping men would approach her, flirt with her, or at least interact with her. A lot of men no longer cold approach. They do not want to be accused of harassment, dating applications are much easier. Most people are tied to their digital devices. The men that she seeks, are getting matches online, without having to cold approach and be rejected. Dating barely has a pulse. This did not happen overnight. Each passing year, it has died more and more. Like I keep saying, a small percentage of women are noticing what is happening and are not happy about it. But the vast majority of women are completely unaware. Is their a solution to this problem. In my opinion, not at this time. That is why guys going their own way is booming. Men simply know the risk vs reward in investing in a woman is not worth it. Expect to see more and more videos of women like this. Good luck ladies, my only advice is to start knocking some sense into other women and start talking to law makers. Lastly, you were bar hooping on a Friday night, I could be wrong, but I suspect you were looking for a hook up. It was highly unlikely, you were seeking a knight in shining armor, on a Friday night, in a bar.

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