Fallout Equestria, Saint Roseland's Song

3 years ago

Out on the waters surrounding Equestria is an empire built on violence and faith. Born from the remnants of the Equestria navy, now they are nothing more then zealot pirates who seek to save souls through the barrel of a gun. Their Saint and Prophet, Thorn Rosesland, once a navel war hero but more monster then mare turned the survivors into nothing more then sea raiders, along with bastardizing the memory of the Princesses and denouncing the Ministry Mares as vile false prophets. Now to them violence is salvation, and the Goddesses smile upon their good work.

[i]Saint Roseland protect me
Hold your Rifle for all to see
Thunder loudly through Luna's night
Keep me safe till Tia's light
Noble battle she did fall
Protecting us from evil's thrall
From above she leads us all
keeping us from sinful fall

Saint Roseland protect me
Hold your Rifle for all to see
Thunder loudly through Luna's night
Keep me safe till Tia's light
Noble battle she did fall
Protecting us from evil's thrall
From above she leads us all
keeping us from sinful fall[/i]

Link to the singer can be found here.

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