3 years ago

Who remembers the Kiddie Cocktail? Is that even still a thing? Well, it will make a huge comeback with this version using frozen maraschino cherries in place of ice cubes! Ice cubes are great for keeping beverages cold, but they tend to melt and dilute the flavor with that added water. Freezing maraschino cherries will keep your cocktail cold and won’t dilute the flavor as they thaw! So here, we have the improved KIDDIE COCKTAIL, and then why not make an adult version with some vodka and a little lime juice to balance out the sweetness… because lime and cherry are just a magical combination of flavors!

What you’ll need -

Silicone Ice Cube Trays (entirely optional, but it really makes extracting these kids a lot easier!)

Maraschino Cherries (and some of the juice)
Vodka - for the adult version (I recommend Tito’s, but any vodka will do)
Lemon-lime soda (I prefer Sprite - not sponsored)
Lime (zest & juice)

Just as I’m not a professionally trained chef, I’m also not a professionally trained mixologist. But much like my passion for delicious food, I also have a passion for making delicious cocktails. Thus, the COCKTAIL EDITION to my channel. For all cocktails utilizing alcohol, I remind you to please drink responsibly, and do not serve alcohol to minors!

As always, if you like this video or the recipe(s), be sure to leave a like, a comment, and if you’re not a subscriber, please consider subscribing to my channel and clicking the bell for notifications when new videos are uploaded. It costs you nothing, it just lets you know when I post new videos and it helps this channel grow! Thank you for you support and DON’T EAT BORING FOOD (OR DRINK BORING COCKTAILS!)

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