Freedom Convoy Supporters at Scarborough Town Centre heading to Queens Park

2 years ago

In Solidarity for the Freedom CONVOY, 300-400 Vehicles & over 1000 people are being seen leaving Scarborough Town Centre (One of the several Toronto meeting locations) heading to Queen's Park Toronto, to Peacefully Protest with the Western Truck Freedom Convoy (They were blocked from entering Ottawa earlier this week) against the COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other ridiculous & un-scientific restrictions that were "Illegally" placed by the Trudeau government and the Provincial government(s). Trudeau can end this all NOW by simply doing his Duty to Canadians by DROPPING ALL RESTRICTIONS & MANDATES & to TELL all Provincial Governments to do the same. END THIS NOW!
Despite the lies from the Fake Mainstream Media, this Freedom Convoy is a very Peaceful & Respectful Protest by fantastic people that simply had enough of all the unnecessary Lockdowns, the anti science behind the very coercive mask wearing, and the outrageous Human Rights Violations Employers are committing on Employees that simply DO NOT WANT a medical treatment (Covid Shot) because that is their FREE CHOICE TO MAKE.
New Scientific Evidence has proven that Lockdowns, Masks, Covid Vaccine mandates have caused irreversible damage to society & to mental health. Something many medical professionals have been warning about since 2020 & censored + ignored by the mainstream media, all public health agencies and most politicians.
Science is about open & free debate + discussion. Had this truly happened, we wouldn’t be in this economic turmoil, mass vaccinated populations being hospitalized at alarming rates, as clearly seen in world wide data sets.
The Canadian FREEDOM CONVOY are Hero’s, they are making History & the entire world is closely watching & joining in with their own Freedom Convoy protests.
God Bless the Hero’s of the Canadian Freedom Convoy.
God bless you all & thank you for fighting for everybody’s Human Rights!

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