MASS Critical Point Of INSANITY Has Been Achieved!

2 years ago

'Nicola Sturgeon takes a saw to classroom doors in ‘crackpot’ DIY effort to stop Covid in schools: Chopping bottom off each door is expected to cost around £150, resulting in an estimated total cost to taxpayers of £300,000'

Don't Scottish doors have hinges so you can just open them? I seriously thought this was an April fools' day joke.

Unforeseen problem of cutting of sections of doors: Fire safety, building regulations

Next: 'Nicola Sturgeon takes glue to classroom doors in ‘crackpot’ DIY effort to stop fire risk in schools, comply with building regulations'🤣

Sturgeon also said that there's high CO2 levels due to lack of ventilation are a problem in themselves, regardless of respiratory infections. At the same time, she's forcing children to wear face masks, which means the CO2 levels of the air they breathe will be enormously higher than even the worst ventilated class room. 🤦‍♂️


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