Cheek to hunt ducks

3 years ago

Length up to 1.5 meters, weight up to 35 kilograms (usually up to 1 meter and 8 kilograms). The body is torpedo-shaped, the head is large, the mouth is wide. The coloration is variable, depending on the environment: depending on the nature and degree of development of the vegetation, it can be gray-greenish, gray-yellowish, gray-brown, the back is darker, the sides with large brown or olive spots that form transverse stripes. Unpaired fins are yellowish-gray, brown with dark spots; pairs are orange. Feeds mainly on fish. Silver pikes are found in some lakes.

Males and females can be distinguished by the shape of the urogenital opening, which in males has the form of a narrow oblong slit, colored in the color of the womb, and in females - an oval depression surrounded by a pink roller.

The body of the pike has an elongated, arrow-shaped shape. The head is strongly elongated, the lower jaw protrudes forward. The teeth on the lower jaw are of different sizes and serve to capture the prey. The teeth on other bones of the oral cavity are smaller, directed with sharp ends into the pharynx and can sink into the mucous membrane. Thanks to this, the prey passes easily, and if it tries to escape, the pharyngeal teeth rise and hold the prey.

Pikes are characterized by a change of teeth in the lower jaw: the inner surface of the jaw is covered with soft tissue, under it there are rows of 2-4 replacement teeth, which adjoin each active tooth at the back, forming a single group (dental family) with it. When a working tooth falls out of use, an adjacent replacement tooth of the same family takes its place. At first it is soft and unstable, but then the base adheres tightly to the jaw bone and becomes stronger. The teeth of the pike do not change at the same time. At the same time, some tooth groups end at the edge of the jaw with an old tooth that is already resolving, others with a strong working one, and still others with a still mobile young one. In some reservoirs, the change of teeth in pikes intensifies during certain seasons, and then the pike in these reservoirs ceases to take large prey, since it can escape from the predator's mouth. It is difficult to catch her at this time, as she cannot grab the bait.

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