GOD Sent Me To Walmart To Plant Tracts and Pray for the Lost

3 years ago

This world is going bananas!!! Some people have reported empty shelves and fenced areas with razor wire and containers at the Walmart's in California. They have a Governor recall election on September 14, so it may be an intimidation plan or that the Antichrist (Obama) has more control already there. We are to pray for persecuted Christians ALL over the world, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ the best way we can. Pray for persecuted believers in America too. We are hated by fake Christians (I have a playlist on fake Christianity and one on true born again Christianity.)

I love it when the Lord tells me to go evangelize, and I did get to plant about 150 tracts and hand out personally to a few people. Really would appreciate prayers for God to draw the sinner to read the tract and come to a true repentance and relationship with our soon coming King and Lord. I stopped by Aldi's too and handed out a few million dollar bills and put Spanish tracts on shelves. At Walmart I put out Spanish and English tracts on shelves and infront of popular items. I left a New Testament on top of the self checkout scanner. I know y'all have your own methods too, so I pray for your seeds planted to be watered by the Holy Spirit and produce good fruit either before or after the rapture. Any day now, our Bridegroom comes! Love and blessings.

Tracts are from www.livingwaters.com. There are also free movies and lots of good witnessing videos there. Recently Ray Comfort wrote a book called Counting the Days about the end days which is also available there to read for yourself. God bless.

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