Tucker Carlson Tonight 4 Feb 2022

2 years ago

In a rare pushback to the IIC regime, Matt Lee from the AP asked some very pointed questions to State Department Spokeidiot Ned Price. The exchange has gone viral and perhaps, just perhaps, this exchange has woken up some people to the smoke and mirrors, handwaving and slight of hand that is the Deep State and the Military Industrial complex working in concert to control US foreign policy. So what does Ned Price do? He accuses Matt Lee of being a Russian stooge. We need to bring back dueling for about a year or so to clean out those that would insult one's patriotism with impunity. Aaron Mate, an excellent traditional left of center author with the Grayzone and on Substack, joins Tucker to discuss the Deep State playbook.
GoFundMe (use Give Send Go instead) have frozen the Trucker's Convoy donations. Disgraceful.
Creepy Porn Lawyer update: Schadenfreude is sweet.
JD Vance joins Tucker to discuss the illegal gun registry compiled by the IIC's ATF. This is a backdoor attack on the 2nd amendment and a direct slap in the face of honest gun owners. Want to lower crime? Look to the dem run cities. Arrest, prosecute and lock up criminals. Watch what happens.
Federal Reserve Board of Governors is supposed to keep Americans employed and interest under control, so of course the IIC nominated someone who knows nothing about economics or monetary policy. This black birthing person is just a race lady activist with a falsified resume. Is this a joke?
Short clip from TC Today with author Dan Kovalik about the how the Deep State has used Russia as a foil to advance their own agenda for decades. Definitely one to watch.
Crazy racist lady runs the school board in Georgia. Two words America: HOME SCHOOL
Dr. Marc Siegel joins Tucker to discuss the human interest story about a young boy who fell down a well in Morocco.

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