The Precious Blood Of Christ Part 1 by Dr Michael H Yeager 1 20 22

2 years ago

*300 references in the Bible about the blood of Jesus!
15 major aspects of what the blood of Christ does!
Only by the Blood of Jesus Christ
#1 by the blood we overcome
#2 propitiation by the blood
#3 made nigh by the blood
#4 remission of sins by the blood
#5 purged by the blood
#6 justified by the blood
#7 reconciliation through the blood
#8 peace through the blood
#9 redemption by the blood
#10 new and everlasting covenant is in the blood
#11 forgiveness only by the blood
#12 washed clean by the blood
#13 sanctified by the blood
#14 purchased, bought by the blood
#15 the life of God is in the blood

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