The Beast, The Hive Mind and Artificial Intelligence

2 years ago

The apocalyptic end to the biblical narrative is based in the idea of an end time super villian who crushes Christianity and makes himself God. The mark of the beast is described as a mark on the hand or the forehead which allows one to buy and sell within polite society and is identified as 666 …. the mark of the beast.

The reaction to this is simple, how can a simple mark which allows participation within the markets of the world be antichristian. How can it be such a crime as to cause you to lose your faith; your salvation promise. This is where artificial intelligence and the concept of the hive mind; formed through advanced technology bridging the gap between the human mind and technology finds a deeply troubling link. While this link is not conclusive, it is certainly deeply troubling and within the grasp of the human experience.

Artificial intelligence allows a computer, or an interconnected network of computers to develop a type of intelligence that outweighs human intelligence. Despite the hype there will always be guide rails to this type of intelligence… it will always be dependant on human creativity; and its ultimate solutions to the problems of life will be heavily influenced by those who program the software behind artificial intelligences. It will never develop creative, insightful intelligence that is innate in humans and is deeply interconnected to our spirit, something a machine can ever replicate. It will never develop an innate sense of morality, self or consciousness. While it may be able to imitate these things….in the end its definition of morality, the meaning of life, the concern of the afterlife all hinge on its creators, …ie: people. And people are inspired by all kinds of things, including the nefarious underworld of advanced demonic planning.

The concept of the Hive mind is simply this : it is defined as the collective mental activity expressed in complex coordinated behaviour which is seen with ants and bees for instance. When applied to humans it pre-assumes an ability for humans to connect directly to an artificial intelligence and to other humans. It envisions a society where human minds can connect through technology solving complex problems, communicating deeply and instantaneously.

Science fiction you say…. not to fast, some of the architecture is already being bulit out. For example Elon Musk is developing Neuralink. This is a chip within the brain that allows you to directly communicate to a technological device. It is no longer ‘pie in the sky’ stuff as his prototypes in monkeys have shown the ability to play simple computer games (ping pong) wirelessly via the chip in its head.

Imagine the power of such an interface. Imagine how much quicker you could learn something if knowledge was just implanted into your brain. Imagine how it could be used to usher in the ultimate super villain, the antichrist. Imagine how non-approved or thoughts and ideas could be quashed and replaced by approved beliefs and ideas. Imagine how thoughts of the one True God could be removed and replaced with the idea that the super villain was the real God. Imagine demonic thoughts directly communicated into your brain and consiousness. Now that is a forehead mark that could really lead to you loosing your salvation.

Currently, Elon Musk’s Neuralink is marketed as a treatment for neurological loss of function such as paralysis or quadriplegia but its potential is unbelieveable…. Their vision is not only to allow the paralysed to directly communicate with a computer but also allow information to be “written back to the brain” to restore function (such as the loss of touch)…. Their words….not mine.

The Hive mind is the antithesis of God’s plan for your life. His plan gives you the ability to independantly make decisions, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual decisions …. and not influenced by the combined weight of the Hive mind and its possible demonic overlords. It gives you autonomy, gives you freedom, and gives you the choice as to whether you will believe in Him or not. Advanced technology has given the demonic realm a new weapon that can be unleashed….. a power that can be beamed straight into your mind. Resist it at all costs.

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