How to make SUSHI CAKE Recipe

3 years ago

It is a tasty and original recipe that is inspired by the classic Japanese sushi, revisited in a cake version.

Shape 21cm

250 gr of rice for sushi (if you do not find it, take the usual round rice) rinse well 2-3 times in cold water. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, combine rice and 300 gr of water, cover and bring to a boil over medium heat.
After boiling, turn off the heat and leave under the lid for another 15-20 minutes.
The rice is ready.

2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1pc-large cucumber
300gr-Philadelphia cheese (or other spreadable cheese)
Nori algae

Vinegar for seasoning at home:
1 st L 9% vinegar
2 st l of water
2 st L of sugar
1/3 H L of salt
Mix well and combine with hot rice

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