Does the Bible Contain God's Plan for Humanity?

3 years ago

Countdown to the Second Coming Radio Discussion

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Welcome to The Berean Call podcast. I’m T. A. McMahon, and I am blessed to have been a good friend and co-worker of Dave Hunt for almost 40 years. For many years, we recorded a radio program, Search the Scriptures Daily, and covered a wide variety of topics addressing issues related to biblical discernment. One of the first of Dave’s books that we published was called Countdown to the Second Coming. That book led to a series of discussions on this topic, which we will continue airing today.

The way things are going in the world, many are thinking about the return of Christ and when that might be, which is a subject of critical importance today. For example, one interesting point that comes up during this discussion is, “What will be the sign of the last times?”

This series was originally broadcast in 2003, but it is relevant to the world in which we live today. Among other topics, we will be discussing the Antichrist and how the church and many Christians even now are falling further into apostasy. Because it was broadcast in 2003, some of it may seem dated; nevertheless, the biblical content of our discussion is very much as important today as it was back then.

Too often, when the fulfillment of prophecy is explained and an attempt is made to fit it into contemporary times, it doesn’t work. Later events of history, such as advances in technology, political and social conditions, religious beliefs, and so forth, can render the explanations not viable. Although the discussions in this program took place 17 years ago, I believe we have avoided that problem. We hope you are edified by our discussion of the End Times. Let us know what you think.

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