from an acorn . . . The Great English Oak

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I have expressed my opinions on English Political Parties and as a free marketeer, self employed most of my life in the real economy not in a monopoly would say and do say the more English Parties on a ballot the better. Because I would rather see a ballot full of English parties than one single party that has failed for 18 years and a leader that wants a monopoly i.e thinks that the vote is split because another party with English Constitutional Laws at its heart. The people that voted for ECP would never have voted for ED they have never heard of the ED and the ED did not campaign.

Worried. I have never seen such a shocked count in terms of the people and disbelief at the low turnout and spoilt ballots.

We overcome the battles with the Electoral Commission, Companies house, the banks, but the biggest battle now is the peoples own lost motivation to vote.

At least I can put my hand on my heart with the others that campaigned with us, rallied with us and voted with us and say we tried. I am delighted we have a single election under our belt in the saddest of circumstances and with the most demoralised electorate since World War 2. Remember Churchill never surrendered and nor shall we.

There are two lessons learned! 1. We have a great team and great party. 2. I'm pleased I left the ED. Devolved powers as you will see tonight are not for the English, but are supported by the ED. Not for me thanks!

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