Carroll Quigley, Savior of Clown World - part 3

3 years ago

Today in parts 3 and 4 of this series of videos taking a deep dive into Dr. Quigley I finish the 1974 interview he did with Rudy Maxa of the Washington Post, which resulted in the 1975 article in that paper that I start to get into toward the end of part 4. In the remainder of the interview Quigley gets into NDCC and authors Allen and Abraham, the history of secret societies, and names figures as diverse as Nesta Webster and Herbert Marcuse, as well as naively referrring to Antony Sutton's then-new work. I think this part gives one a good picture of Quigley's understanding of all these matters, and to me it seems he was a guy in somewhat over his head in the Bircher world quicksand.

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