Timothy Hogan - Gnosis: Forbidden Self Discovery

9 years ago

What is Gnosis & why is it dangerous to the powers that be? Who were the Gnostics & what happened to them? Listen to our talk with Timothy Hogan (Grand Master of CIRCES) relating some of the esoteric secrets of its symbolism & mythos, and touching upon many other relevant philosophic & historic questions, such as how does it relate to Sophia & the Sacred Feminine, how does its philosophy compare with modern science, what's the surviving fragments called, what's the relation to other spiritual currents, what's the Gnosis in The Matrix, and much more... Tim also reveals what he did at Montsegur on behalf of local Cathars to evade suppression!

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Gnosis: Forbidden Self Discovery - A conversation with Timothy Hogan (S06P01).
© Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.
Episode Cover Art © Andrew Gonzalez (https://andrewgonzalez.storenvy.com/).
Guest: G. M. Timothy Warren Hogan (http://www.forumborealis.net/guests/)
Recorded: 21 November 2015.
Bumper music used with cordial permission from © Loopus.net.
This Program is part of our series called EXPLORING ESOTERIC PHILOSOPHY (Playlist: http://www.forumborealis.net/series).

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