Michaela Boehm - 50 Shades of Sexual Yoga

9 years ago

David Deida's "The Way of the Superior Man" was a pioneering book when it came out. We are joined by Michaela Boehm who traveled and taught with him for 13 years, to account for the approaches of both sexes, exploring questions like: What's the modern challenge in gender relations? Why is desire in conflict with love? What's the nature of genders and has its equality gone wrong? How can they resonate rather than conflict? Are issues channeled through sexuality? Can gender alienation lead to impotence/frigidity & psycho-social sadism? And more on the connection to our mutual masculinity & femininity + a take on 50 Shades of Gray...

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50 Shades of Sexual Yoga - A conversation with Michaela Boehm (S08P01)
© Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.
Guest: Therapist Michaela Boehm (http://www.forumborealis.net/guests) (http://www.michaelaboehm.com)
Recorded: 04 January 2016
Bumper music used with cordial permission from © Loopus.net
This Program is part of our eighth series called BETWEEN ADAM & EVE (http://www.forumborealis.net/series)

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