Stone Crusher (US-MA) - "Sea Witch" HQ 320kbps

3 years ago

Absolutely brilliant 3 song demo self released by this hidden gem from Whitinsville, Massachusetts called Stone Crusher. Tight and catchy riffs constantly pounding with powerful, charismatic vocalist maintaining epic atmosphere at some points. I just wish this would be a full release instead with more Stone Crusher to digest! Recently Stone Crusher reformed in to new phase called Ogre and according to Christopher John Dow we can expect a full length release this year, hopefully in the vein of THE Stone Crusher! Great production overall, a great performance, and excellent songwriting.

Enjoy †††

Catalog Number: n/a
Barcode: 884501366243
Matrix Number: 9024 102 RD 28739
Mould SID Code: n/a

Line up:
Dana Pelkey - Bass
Bob Haroutunian - Guitars (lead)
Chris Dow - Vocals (lead)
Dan Dube - Guitars (rhythm)
Kevin Colucci - Drums, Vocals

Recorded and mixed and Jungle Studios ©2010 stonecrushermusic
Photography by Rebecca Russ

℗© Stone Crusher

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