Peter Levenda - From Tantra to Alchemy (Pt. 2 of 2)

4 years ago

In part 2 we go further into both Opus Magnum & Vaughan, with questions like: Did John Dee, Cornelius Agrippa, & Abbott Trithemius influence Vaughan? Did he fake his own death? How important is transmutation of Gold? Did he discover the Stone? Why did Mary Atwood's father burn her alchemy book? What's the link between Alchemy & Magic? What's the role of sexuality? What is Mercury? What's the role of Ayahuasca & Psilocybin? Is Surrealism alchymical? What's the Dry & Wet Path? ...and we examine Vaughan's coded image.

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Forum Borealis is a paradigm expanding podcast exploring controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, & system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, & politics, through in depth conversations with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, & freethinkers of today. Our programs are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists (see

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From Tantra to Alchemy (Part 2 of 2) - A conversation with Peter Levenda
© Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.
Guest: Historian Peter Levenda (
Recorded: 19 October 2016
Bumper music used with cordial permission from ©
This Program is part of our sixth series called EXPLORING ESOTERIC PHILOSOPHY (

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