AUDIO: Zan Perrion - The Beauty of Honest Seduction (Pt. 1 of 2: How to become a Toy Cow)

3 years ago

This show is prohibited for GIRLS! As we're spilling male secrets with an expert who's been around since the early PUA days teaching boys of all ages to become MEN. Some clues aired: Can anyone become natural? What's the 2 poles of masculine attraction path? What of rejections? How to avoid gender battle? Why has men lost their way? What was Canaova's secret? How to handle a shit-test? Are canned openers needed? How to create right energy? What's subcommunication & why's it key? Why's sincerity vital? How to be congruent? Why end Mr. Nice Guy? What's key to desire? Universal or culture? + Hear Zan receive a deserved knighting on air...

Disclaimer: Don't expect to become a Casanova just by listening to our chat, but if it peeks your interest you may want to investigate this path further - which if PRACTICED - definetely turn you into a ladies man.

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Forum Borealis is a paradigm expanding podcast exploring controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, & system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, & politics, through in depth conversations with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, & freethinkers of today. Our programs are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists (see ​

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The Beauty of Honest Seduction (Part 1 of 2: How to become a Toy Cow) - A conversation with Zan Perrion
© Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.
Guest: Coach Jonathan Zan Perrion (​).
Recorded: 02 November 2020.
Bumper music used with cordial permission from ©
This Program is part of our eighth series called BETWEEN ADAM & EVE (

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