AUDIO: Arvid Ystad - The Norse Roots of Freemasonry (Pt. 2 of 2)

3 years ago

Now we review more of the evidence itself, exposing Freemason rituals comparing mutual elements with Norse trad. Some issues raised: Was Guild original a spiritual assembly? Do we have Norse halls with symbolism of the Craft? Did they share akin ritual ductus & equipment, material fabrics, Temple decor, outfits, & signs? What of the oaths, club, apron, Square & Compass? Did initiates have to pass Freya's wall, mix blood, or go underground? How long did early outdoor rites last? Did the first Norse worship a matriarchal Freja cult unto eastern tribes invaded with war cult of Thor? Why G & Blue? Is Japan's emperor into sex rites? + Hear why Arvid got booted from DNFO!

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The Norse Roots of Freemasonry (Part 2 of 2) - A conversation with Arvid Ystad.
© Forum Borealis. May not be reproduced in any commercial way.
Guest: Engineer Arvid Ystad (​).
Recorded: 12 February 2021.
Bumper music used with cordial permission from ©

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