The Trudeau Files - Treason From The Most Treacherous Tyrant

3 years ago

With all the recent events in Canada regarding the brave men and women stepping up by creating the largest convoy ever seen in history to peacefully protest all mandates the Canadian Liberal government has wrongfully imposed on all it's citizens, I thought it would be a great time to throw together a compilation of one the most despised leader in modern history- Justin Trudeau.

Although it would be impossible to get all the dirt on this scumbag criminal in one video, I thought I would at least try to cram as much as imaginable in one shot. From him "jokingly" admitting to being a robotoid, which is clearly shown throughout the video, as he "re-assembles his thoughts", as the clone puts it.

Like most places in the western world, the people have had enough of the ridiculous dehumanizing genocidal policies that their government has mandated and are going to occupy Ottawa until changes are made. Unfortunately, like everything in this world throughout modern history, it is a complete set-up that will inevitably play into the hands of the NWO agenda.

It was a trap as far as I am concerned. This video should make all Canadians feel both proud to be Canadian but also ashamed that they allowed this buffoon so easily destroy their country.

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