Rachel Maddow going on hiatus from MSNBC show.

3 years ago

Rachel Maddow going on hiatus from MSNBC show.
Maddow also hosted her show from home on Monday because she had been potentially exposed to COVID-19.
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC's most popular personality, said Monday she will be taking a hiatus from her prime time show until April to work on a new podcast and that a movie is being made of her first book and podcast about former Vice President Spiro Agnew.
Maddow's hiatus starts Friday.
“Change is good,” she said on her show.
“Change is absolutely terrifying, but in this case it's good.”
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She said she's going to help out with the movie of “Bag Man” on former President Richard Nixon's disgraced vice president, to be directed by Ben Stiller and produced by “Saturday Night Live” executive producer Lorne Michaels.
Maddow gave no details on her second podcast, being made for NBC Universal.
“I am super-excited to tell you about it when I have more to tell,” said Maddow, who hosted her show from her home on Monday because she had been exposed to someone who had tested positive and shown symptoms of COVID-19.

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