2 years ago

From Uncensored Doctors by a dedicated father and grandfather, thank you GM - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/gtAP8YSADrEo/

The Data is in Charge Now!
Share this as the Vaccine Stakeholders cannot stop you from sharing it
Download the video (to post/share where you like):
The Vaccine Stakeholders who would still hide this from you include:
Those that have enjoyed enormous Boosts in Profits and/or Power including:
-Main Stream Media (Commercial Cousins to Big Pharma with Joint Owners)
- Big Tech Social Media (Commercial Cousins to Big Pharma with Joint Owners)
- Big Tech Search Engines (Commercial Cousins to Big Pharma with Joint Owners)
-Western "Democracy" Politicians
- Obscenely Wealthy Individuals (holding and creating shares that profit from Covid19)
-The Obscenely Powerful Investment Groups (holding and creating shares that profit from Covid19)
-Vaccine Investors
-Vaccine Advocates (Including Government Advisory Groups)
-Bill Gates
-Private Hospitals
-Pharmaceutical Companies
See what happens if you share it on your Facebook or on YouTube or twitter
See what happens when you try to get your local new radio or news reporter to share what the data is shouting out....
See what happens when you ask your local politician to act on this
Bypass them all and share it to everyone you know and ask them to do the same.

Download a QR code to print out and place on every Big Pharma Passport Controlled venue entry point

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