Mum gives birth at 30,000ft on board 11-hour transatlantic flight

2 years ago

An off-duty doctor delivered a baby using DENTAL FLOSS when a woman went into labour during a long haul flight.

Dr Stephen Ansah-Addo, a dermatology resident, sprang into action when an emergency call went out during a flight from Ghana to Dallas last month.

A pregnant woman, whose name has only been given as GG, had gone into labour prematurely aboard United Flight 977.

This prompted air stewards to ask passengers if a health professional was on-board - a call answerer by Dr Ansah-Addo and a nurse.

They then turned the area behind business class into a makeshift operation room - putting down blankets and towels.

The mother's contractions started getting stronger and more frequent, and after just an hour, Dr Ansah-Addo felt the baby's head.

Video footage eventually shows the new mum with her baby boy - after giving birth to him mid-flight.

Paramedics were ready to meet the plane when it touched down at Dulles International Airport after an almost 12-hour flight.

Fellow passenger Tiani Warren, 47, who witnessed the drama unfold from across the aisle, describes the birth as a "total miracle."

She said: "I was just having a nap when I started hearing these loud groans from further down the plane.

"I was really concerned and when I went over to investigate I saw a woman was in labour.

"It caused a bit of panic, and the pilot was considering making an emergency landing in Bermuda so GG could make it to a hospital.

"But, as it turned out, there was no time for that, and she had her baby right there and then.

"Thankfully an off duty dermatologist and a nurse were on board to deliver the baby. I don't know what would have happened if it hadn't of been for their professionalism.

"It was certainly an eventful flight, and I'm just so relieved the birth was relatively smooth.

"What shocked me was when they didn't have anything to cut the ambilocal cord with because scissors aren't allowed on board - so they used dental floss!

"The whole thing was just so crazy, but it all turned out okay in the end. I wish GG and her baby boy all the best for the future."

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