The mother of the lion tamarin Leontopithecus rosalia got her baby back!

3 years ago

Let's be a little touched... The mother of the lion tamarin Leontopithecus rosalia got her baby back!These monkeys are also called the golden lion marmoset or rosalia - this is the largest representative of marmosets (body length is about 20-25 cm and weight is up to 900 g). These marmosets got their name because of the obvious resemblance to lions: something like a mane and lush golden hair.

Only 3,500 individuals remain in nature, and about 490 more are kept in 150 zoos. Their numbers continue to decline. Technological progress on the Atlantic coast of South America has greatly reduced their range. Illegal mining and logging, illegal trapping and sale as pets have particularly reduced the population of golden lion tamarins.

The Brazilian government has taken full responsibility for the conservation of this endangered species. All captive tamarins are the property of Brazil.

Among the local population, tamarin is very respected: it is believed that meeting this rare animal will bring happy consequences.
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