Reverend Crystal Cox Prayer for Port Townsend.

3 years ago

Reverend Crystal Cox Universal Church of Light. Port Townsend Washington Vaccine Mask Mandates Prayer, Ramble.

Prayer for Port Townsend. Want Organics, Non-GMO, and Natural Cures. Energy Healers, Farmers YET they Forced Vaccines on their Community. Judgment, Jesus, Pentacles. Alternative Schools yet force the Big Pharma Agenda. #VaccineMandate #PortTownsend

Allegedly a community supporting no pesticides, no chemicals. A community of Healers and Farmers. They want NO Hormones in the milk they feed themselves and their kids. And yet they turned around and forced BIG PHARMA on Us, even the local food coop. We fought for natural cures and NOW they threw all their beliefs out.

Port Townsend Food Coop LOVED the Vaccine Mandates. The Jefferson County Washington Community turned on their roots and followed in mass as sheep.

#PortTownsend #WashingtonMandates #JeffersonCountyWashington #ClallamCounty #herbalmedicine #organics #non-GMO

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