ǤĀŦƹŚ Kills "God Gene" With √ĀƔ

3 years ago

Bible code: http://biblecodewisdom.com/code/lauren-lind-say-you-tube-jehova-show-king-dom-sain(has now been taken down see here: https://youtu.be/vQQaYUn-nCU )

True Antichrist revealed NOT the pope! https://youtu.be/TzJ6zq3F_G0

and: https://t.co/oZdXvAPZBP
and: https://t.co/i97gaJWUC3

The description below explains how I have seen the rapture and I know without a doubt that the RAPTURE IS ON A FRIDAY AT 6:45 PM USA EASTERN TIME IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME YOU HAVE EITHER NOT LISTENED TO THE BIBLE STUDY OR ARE TO PRIDEFUL TO OPEN YOUR EYES BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING I have made predictions that have come true. There are links to my Bible sudy below also called "Extended Bible Study" Explaining in more detail, how I know for sure it is God giving me the revelations that I share with you and what I have predicted of the future based on revelations from Jesus Himself. (Links to the weather cam sites are also available below)

These videos are made to glorify God and show you the signs that He is leading me to, so that I should share them and my testamony to Jesus Christ and the Visions, dreams and revelations I have received from Him . That is why the music is not really important. No one will like every single instrumental and everyone has different taste in music. Who is able to please everybody? If you want to hear the music I really put my heart into, It is on always free to download on soundcloud because I do not believe in doing something for God and them trying to sell it. I am also on reverb nation, soundclick and my website.

Reverb nation: https://www.reverbnation.com/laurenlindsayakadjempath7?profile_view_source=header_icon_nav
My website: http://teddylindsay.wixsite.com/laurenlindsay

Extended Bible study: https://youtu.be/EejM_7U7c0M

Fotowebcam: https://www.foto-webcam.eu
Webcams Galore weather cams worldwide: https://www.webcamgalore.com/EN/Weather/themecam.html
All Sky Came (observatories): http://www.allskycam.com

The Wake Up Christians Coalition on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wakeupchristianscoalition/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel


I do not claim to know a date but the Rapture will be on a Friday at
6:45pm. To find out how I know this please watch the extended Bible study at the link below.
Link to extended Bible study:https://youtu.be/EejM_7U7c0M
Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Revelation 22:13 King James Version (KJV)
13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Revelation 22:16
16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

God bless you brothers and sisters! Praise Yeshua, the King of Kings and lord of Lords!
Matthew 24:40; Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.(41) Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.(42) Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

Jesus IS Coming Soon!! I know because He showed me the rapture around 2010 and at the time i didn't know anything about the rapture. the dream was in the house that I live in today but had never seen before and it had one of the dogs I have now that had not even been born yet. I know that I remember correctly because I had told my husband about the dream when I had it and He remembers it. I know it was in this time frame (a time frame can be long as even a year or more but I know this, He has used me for warnings, these signs are His warning!) because in the dream there was also a brown dog but I didn't know why but I knew it was not my dog. and a month or two ago there was a brown dog who started trying to live under my house. I felt bad for him so I let him in since I couldn't stop him I might as well have fed him so he stopped eating our trash. Since then he has been hit by a car, but that dog triggered a vivid memory of the dream. In the dream I was walking out of my house to my car and all of a sudden I started lifting up into the sky. When I woke up I somehow knew it was the rapture even though I knew nothing about it and I told my husband all these things. Which I know is true because I He has given me dreams before that which happened exactly like the dream, the first one I had was a warning that stopped me from breaking my leg when I was in girl scouts. Jesus IS coming soon so take up your cross and follow Him before it's too late!!!

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