Train your AI DeepFake Model with High End GPU for free with GOOGLE COLAB DeepFake on a budget

3 years ago

RE-UPLOAD from my old channel - first posted on April 2021

Download link:

Time line:
0:00​ - proof of concept
0:20​ - Intro
0:40 - Extracting Images from the source video.
1:12 - Extracting Images from the destination video.
1:25 - Aligning the source video images.
2:32 -- Aligning the destination video images.


3:12​ - Creating for google drive
3:50 - login to IPERV DeepFaceLab on google colab and run the scripts.
4:45 - Import the workspace folder to google colab and start the traning.
7:03 - Altering the training code to backup the traning model every 20 min on google drive.
7:48 - downlead importing the trained model to your PC.

8:30 - merging all the frames
9:08 - View final Deepfake video results. - CP Breeze tech website - Uncensored from the Tech Giants

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