Liebherr K2340 Larder Fridge

3 years ago

Liebherr K2340 Larder Fridge

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Liebherr K2340 Larder Fridge

As part of our Great Kitchen Makeover, the time had come to replace our old fridge/freezer with separate units and so we looked around for a new fridge. We wanted the largest size practical for our small kitchen and decided also to pay out a bit more for a more upmarket device than we might otherwise have bought.

So it was that we decided on the Liebherr K2340. With a storage capacity of 214 Ltr, it is quite a bit larger than the under-counter models widely available but not too big for the limited space available. 114 centimetres tall by 55 wide and 63 deep it has a tall but slim form factor and a rather stylish appearance, as fridges go.

We wanted a good quality device that would last the course and the other reviews all speak highly of this German manufacturer. At £419 it is not cheap for the size but sometimes you have to pay out for the best. Certainly. this fridge does seem well made. The whole thing has an upmarket and high end feel to it. The glass shelves are all tough and robust, the fridge light good and bright and the reversible hinged door closes with a satisfying BMW like thud. The interior shelving is nicely laid out with the contents easy to access. It comes with a detachable heavy-duty metal bottle rack which we duly detached as there is plenty of bottle storage space in the doors which sport two levels of bottle storage.

The fridge is by far the quietest I have ever encountered with no noise being detectable even when venturing into the kitchen alone in the dead of night.

So there it is. This is an excellent fridge indeed. Larger, better constructed and more capacious than the average rival to my mind it certainly justifies the extra cost.

Music: YouTube Audio Library: Wolf Moon - Unicorn Heads

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