When the Taliban Appear More Reasonable Than You, You Know You're Doing It Wrong New Zealand

3 years ago

New Zealand is dropping a couple of their insane border restrictions for re-entry, seemingly out of nowhere. Considering Queen Jacinda Ardern has defeated the Coof multiple times, it's odd timing for her to drop any restrictions that have treated her and her alone so well.

It makes more sense if you know about Charlotte Bellis. Bellis is a New Zealand woman who was abroad as a photojournalist and her Work Visa expired. Attempting to come home, her reentry was denied. With nowhere else to go, her and her partner had only one alternative destination that, after making contact, welcomed them with open arms. That welcoming regime is that of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Did I mention she is also pregnant and unwed. New Zealand is a funny place...

The Epoch Times 1: https://www.theepochtimes.com/new-zealand-to-end-quarantine-rules-reopen-borders_4254048.html
ET2: https://www.theepochtimes.com/taliban-grants-pregnant-nz-journalist-safe-haven-after-ardern-government-denies-her-return-visa_4248723.html

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#NewZealand #Taliban #CharlotteBellis

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