17th Video of Revelations

3 years ago

Chapter 15 of Revelations, Overview: 7 angels carry 7 last plagues. On a sea of glass mixed with fire, singing happens, GOD is glorified, the 7 angels come out and the 7 bowls of wrath also come out of the Temple of GOD, sores come upon those who are marked is the first, secondly the sea become blood and all dies, rivers and springs also become blood, 4th the sun scorches all with fire, 5th the throne of the Beast is in darkness and pain, 6th great river of Euphates River is dried up, 3 unclean spirits like frogs out of the mouth of the 3 Dragon, Beast, False prophet. signs of demons performed. Keep your garment on and watch. 7th angel harms the air thunder, lightning, earthquakes all over the world. No mountains found, and great hail as 100 pound pieces hit earth. Details are in this video

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