Congratulations on watching the three foundational clips on steps 2, 3, and 4.

2 years ago

Welcome to the new view of the world I’ve been living in.

You are probably trying to take it all in. You’re probably wondering if it’s true. Some may be thinking “No way!” I expect many of you are thinking about the US splitting into four nations and thinking… Yeah, I can see that.
In the Topics area there are a lot of topics and one or more will likely be touched on in the BIBLE Signs Happening Show. So, as news comes out on this, that, or the other, I can cover it on the show and I may put it in one of those buckets. We’re building up evidence so when those people just hearing about this come and look in the topics area… they see supporting information and they are more up to speed to enjoy the BIBLE Signs Happening Show.

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