Smith Downey PA / Tully Rinckey PLLC / DCBAR / Supreme Court / Regency Furniture LLC

3 years ago

Tully Rinckey PLLC, Smith Downey PA, DCBAR, Supreme Court
Request of Documents, a copies of the settlement summary charts, written explanation why submitted a fabricated concocted manufactured Doctored documents at the Attorney Grievance BAR Counsel and to the Office Disciplinary BAR Counsel, request of the copy of the legal contract and receipts in amount of $30,555.90 write a written explanation why no appearance of Arbitrator Raymond Fay and Cheri L. Cannon Paid in advance in amount of $30,555.90 write a written explanation why BLM Registered Sex Offender witnesses never appeared in any deposition hearing and the Muslim Company Owner, Abdul Ayyad and Ahmad Ayyad of the Regency Furniture LLC, why Class Action Laws Suit hidden and co-worker who was a gay man a white man denied employment and discriminated abused who committed suicide why the Smith Downey PA, Attorneys did not reveal and why did not tell the truth all perpetrators are all men and I won the case the BLM Registered Sex Offender found guilty and why my settlement never paid. On January 26, 2021 President Joe Biden signed an executive order that no Asian American Should be discriminated, explain why Felons, Criminals, Registered BLM Sex Offender hired employed at the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC but I am a Grandmother law abiding citizen, US veteran spouse denied employment. Why President Trump supporter are mistreated abused denied employment in the United States, explain. For Disclaimer, EEOC granted, permitted allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency furniture LLC and their Attorneys offered me settlement but disappeared and I am reporting it to Newsmax and OANN.

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