REAL Apolitical News/End of Days Discussion Freedom Convoy SE 2/3/22

3 years ago

REAL Apolitical News End of Days Discussion surrounded by the usual satire and music.
All the clips are #freedomconvoy2022 related this time around as #wisebandssay #electricscootersolarroadshow supports the whole trucker and ground protesters event in Ottawa. getting the inside scoop instead of the tell-lie-vision news propaganda version because I report the #truth so help me God.
we are #preparednotscared and have #faithoverfear and say #iwillsurvive and pray for our truckers and front line 4 wheelers and sign wavers.

Still raising money for free home repairs to poverty level homeowners project. This humanitarian program is part of the Electric Scooter Solar Road Show.

GoFundMe page:

Expanding video and sound recording capabilities soon. Hence my new FB page that doubles as promos for the YouTube and Rumble channels...

Wise Bands Say Productions FB page:

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