Poisoning the Well

3 years ago

Poisoning the Well

I know, there's no point in putting this in the description, because the idiots that need this won't read the description for the same reason they need this unnecessary disclaimer, but, no I'm not an "NFT/Crypto fanboy", no I've never advocated for speculative investment in crypto/NFTs in any way, no, I do not currently own any crypto/NFT, and, no, I'm not even eliciting a response for or against the criticism Dan makes in this video. I'm just using his video as an example of what poisoning the well is (because he's doing just that), and why his poisoning of the well has detracted from what could have otherwise been legitimate criticisms of the colloquial version of what "NFT" has come to mean, and, yes, I'm labelling the legitimate criticisms as legitimate. I know, it's the internet, and it should no longer surprise me that I have to dumb things down to Kindergarten levels for people to understand what is otherwise obviously the point I'm making, and to explain what points I'm obviously NOT making.

Here's Dan Olson's original video, referenced in mine:

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