Doctors Hoffe & Malthouse on vaxx injuries & failure, underreporting, propaganda, early treatment

2 years ago

Press for Truth interviewed Canadian doctors Charles Hoffe and Stephen Malthouse mid December 2021.


Children can receive no benefit from the COVID jabs (since COVID is even less dangerous to them than the flu), so it's all risk.

There's no reason for anyone of any age and risk group, because however safe and effective the jabs may be, alternatives such as vitamin D and early treatment are guaranteed to be harmless and much more effective.

One problem with certain medications for early treatment such as ivermectin, is that physicians in Canada are prohibited from using it, even though it is cheap, available in almost limitless quantities and one of the safest medicines known to mankind.

However, even without ivermectin, highly safe and effective early treatment protocol can be designed that use only cheap, available, over the counter medications and treatments.

The information the population is getting from the authorities and media is not just misinformation, but propaganda. It is designed not to fully inform, but to get people to obey. The mechanism used is to create as much fear so that the population will do what they're told.

The first thing you should do is tune out any main stream media. Also realize that official information from the health authorities can by no means be trusted as accurate and complete information. It turns out to be a huge blunder to take everything that comes from the authorities as gospel. Fortunately there are independent sources where you can get accurate information so you can make well informed decisions.

The authorities SAY over and over again that they're following the science, but then they proceed to DO the exact opposite.

Doctors Hoffe and Malthouse are quite happy to debate the authorities, but the authorities never accept any invitation for a debate. This is exactly the same as what all authorities over the world do (with a few exceptions such as Florida). They accuse dissenters of spreading misinformation, often without showing facts and science to prove their point and always while refusing a debate.

Dr. Hoffe is now treating 10 patients who have COVID jab injuries.

With the approval of patients who were getting the jab anyway, he did the D-dimer blood test before and after the jab. This test measures microscopic blood clots. About 50% of the patients show evidence of these microscopic blood clots caused by the jab.

NB: Because dr. Hoffe has done his research on these genetic injections, he was against these experiments that were likely to cause harm and unlikely to have significant benefit from the beginning. Therefore, he has not inoculated one of his patients. However, he cannot and does not prohibit them from getting the jab if they insist.

The damage can happen to patients of all ages and will accumulate with successive injections.

The United States Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has severe underreporting. Reasonable calculations range from ACTUAL adverse events being 20x to 100x larger than the REPORTED adverse events.

It turns out that most adverse events after injection happen in a very short timespan after injection. This is very convincing evidence that these adverse events are not just a coincidence, but that they're caused by the jab.

Most doctors have fallen for the mass psychosis too. They believe that there is a horrible pandemic and that the experimental injections are the only way out. This is one of the reasons why they're very reluctant to report vaxx adverse events, because they don't want to contribute to vaccine hesitancy.

Doctors keep seeing all these adverse events after injection, but keep ascribing them to coincidence. The combined statistics ― such as the massive increase in adverse events, all cause mortality, the dose dependency, the very short delay after vaccination, etc. ― all point to the same conclusion: the jabs are the cause of the morbidity and death shortly after injection.

You don't have to be a statistician or scientific genius to understand this causality. However, you do need common sense, independent thinking and courage. These turn out to be in very short supply, even amongst the highest educated.

Doctors should do their own research and not rely completely on the authorities. However, most doctors haven't done this.

As respiratory viruses evolve, they tend to be become more infectious but less dangerous (virulent).

80% of hospitalizations could easily have been prevented if patients had been treated early. Every COVID patient that ends up in hospital is a failure of the medical profession to offer effective outpatient treatment. The medical profession has let people down by declaring that there's no treatment for this highly treatable disease. This is criminal negligence.

Adequate vitamin D blood levels are absolutely crucial. It's cheap, available, safe and highly effective against all infections and has many positive side-effects.

Although it is unclear what the elite are intending, some kind of surveillance state is what they intended all along. Complying is in a certain sense being complicit. The elite have a deeper, more sinister plan. As humanity we need to stop complying (civil disobedience), unite, create community and fight back.

The population need to start getting their information on COVID from reliable sources. The authorities and government controlled media unfortunately have proven themselves to be unreliable.

People need to turn off the regular media, do their own research and then stand up. This is an integrity test. Integrity comes with pressure and risk, but this pressure and risk is like the formation of diamonds out of coal. In the future we need to bring the best from all worlds for patients, not just chemicals from big pharma.

Drs. Hoffe and Malthouse are doing a tour through British Columbia and people are coming out in droves. They're hungry for reliable information and are starting to see how absurd the government policies are.


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