Australia now BANS Unvaxxed Parents from Seeing their Sick Children in Hospitals

3 years ago

Join DeAnna Lorraine on her new show Shots Fired! with DeAnna Lorraine with a deep-dive interview of "dangerous" and censored frontline Pediatrician Dr. Larry Palevsky as he shares ground-breaking information on how the Vaccines are designed to destroy fertility, the male and female reproductive system, and kill off pregnancies and infants. This is a must-watch and share interview!

DeAnna also dives into the hottest headlines of the day, including the latest tyrannical Covid rule in Australia stating that parents who do not have the jab will now be BANNED from seeing their own sick children in hospitals. Plus, parents lining up around the block already to be first in line to give their 6-month old babies the jab?

Be sure to subscribe to Premium Content to watch the full Shots Fired show with DeAnna Lorraine, weekdays every Tuesday and Thursday!

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