(R)evolution Podcast: It’s half past Armageddon, quarter til the Singularity.

3 years ago

I caught some flak for being "opinionated" and not believing stupid things because research and logic, so I decided that tonight, partly because I'm feeling bitter about leaving the Amazon, we are going to throw idiots, the fake spiritual leaders they follow, and the dumb shit that they believe, under the short bus where they belong. Sadghuru, Deepak Chopra, Nassim Harremin, flat earthers, the theory that the entire psychedelic movement, from the Grateful Dead to Terence Mckenna was a CIA operation, and astrology (Im on the fence with this one, but we can use it as an opportunity to do some critical thinking exercises, and make this stream productive in a pragmatic sense) and any other frauds, quacks, or lunacies that we can think of will get the Iron Dong in the Eyeball treatment that they so sorely deserve.
And this isnt just about picking on people, as fun as that is. The tendency for people to adopt the entire narrative of what people think that spiritual people are supposed to believe, is not healthy. The Buddha and other legit spiritual teachers taught discernment for a reason. When people are running around babbling about how the Earth is flat and spraying essence of herkimer diamond crystal on their wallets because their online guru told them that it would make them rich, they really arent representing out of the box thinkers very well. We are diplomats of a New Consciousness. And we are recruiting. It ddoesn'thelp that there is so much idiocy associated with this movement that people are largely of the opinion that the first rule of being "spiritual," or questioning the mainstream narrative is that you must be an idiot to play. We need to stop reinforcing that belief. All it requires is a little bit of courage, and it gives us an opportunity to work on nonattachment

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#spirituality #intelligence #sadhguru #nassimharamein #fakegurus #spritualteachers #gurus #scams #astrology #criticalthinking #deepakchopra #scepticism #mkultra #conspiracytheory

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