Francis, Francis, Francis

2 years ago

The Pope Francis nightmare continues. Recently he gave a talk to a group of tax collectors in the Vatican where he made all sorts of nonsensical and heretical claims. Like the socialist he is, he called for the always disastrous government wealth redistribution, claimed that tithing is about cancelling the notions of self sufficiency, claimed private property is not an absolute, claims that taxes should be used for the always failed socialized "health care," and pushes for equality, which is impossible and has long been a tool of despots. High taxes bring low birth rates. Francis favors coercion over charitable giving.
And Francis is trying to shut down the beautiful and sacred Latin Mass, recently issuing Traditionis Custodes, which specifies how Francis is going about it. His world is upside down. He preaches mercy, but then attacks those who Love the Latin Mass.
Of all the problems in the Catholic Church and world, Francis attacks a bright sport. So many young people and families attend the Latin Masses around the world. It is the one growing part of the Catholic Church.
This is the same Francis who brought the Pachamama demonic pagan worship symbols into St. Peter's Basilica. Nothing short of sacrilegious and evil. Thankfully a brave young Austrian Catholic grabbed them from St. Peters and threw them into the Tiber River.
Francis won't answer questions from great Cardinals on the heretical Amoris Laetitia, but welcomes perversion pushing James Martin to the Vatican.
Francis continues to be a major destructive force for the Catholic Church and world.

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