(R)evolution Live!: The Commercialization of Spirituality

3 years ago

As spirituality becomes more and more trendy, scams, fake shamans, and shitty, overpriced, online courses, such as Earth Pulse, that were created by people that actually know nothing about the subjects that they are teaching, but know that people that take the courses don't know much either, are proliferating. This is unfortunate, and in the case of plant medicine, even dangerous. Bonding experiences with shamans and facilitators that often have demonstrated seemingly supernatural talents often lead to sexual abuse and other horrific violations of trust. Misinformation curtails real development and can lead to a host of problems.
How do we deal with this? Spirituality, gnosis, and psychedelics are tremendously important tools for healing and evolving, both of which are necessary if we are to have any chance of turning the Global Chaostophe into global harmony. Mass adoption of these practices is absolutely essential to this process. But as interest increases, profit motive also increases. It is all to easy for someone with a nice, shiny, California smile and good social skills armed with a professional looking website to sucker people in to paying ridiculous fees, usually with the promise that they will be able to start their own shitty courses and charge thousands of dollars once they have been thoroughly scammed themselves. What is the solution? Collective self-policing, and public excoriation of frauds, scammers, and exploiters. Join me for a highly motivational scam scram Tuesday at 9 pm DMT-5

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#spirituality #fakeshamans #scams #scammers #earthpulse #fakegurus #gurus #higherconsciousness #thirdeye #empowerment #selfhelp #plantmedicine #shamanism #ayahuasca #sexualabuse

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