Honk, Honk! Join Truckers for Freedom!

3 years ago

This is a short essay I wrote and narrated to promote Truckers for Freedom. We all need to do whatever we can to spread the word and defend our freedom in this world. Truckers for Freedom is quickly becoming an international movement, so c'mon! Join them and help defend our freedoms! Thank you truckers! God bless you for what you are doing!

A message from Truckers for Freedom - “People say: God bless these truckers for making me feel emotions again. I had became cold inside. We have a tough mission for you.”

Join us on twitter: https://twitter.com/Truckers4Fredom

And on fb to spread the spirit there: https://www.facebook.com/TruckersForFreedom2022/

If you really can't do it then follow us on telegram: https://t.me/TruckersForFreedomGlobal

Let’s keep the freedom convoy running!
Or on gettr: https://gettr.com/user/truckers4fredom

How to further help? Support our work here:
https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651/ buy a product.

This next link is for live updates and contains information regarding legal battles for the truckers.

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